Wrapping up our 2021-23 RAP
With the support of Reconciliation Australia, Sureway developed and delivered an Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) from April 2021 – April 2023. The intention of Sureway’s 2021-23 RAP is to acknowledge and demonstrate our respect for Australia’s First Peoples, by building respectful relationships and creating equal and equitable opportunities
As our business moves into the process of creating our 2023-2025 reconciliation commitments and targets, we thought it timely to share some of our key learnings and successes from the past two years.
We extend our thanks to our RAP Working Group members, our broader staff, and members of the communities for their input, support and guidance along our journey.

In 2021-2023, Sureway committed to enacting its Company Policy ? Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Strategy to work towards our goal of 5% Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment across the Sureway workforce. We are pleased to report that as at March 2023, 8.29% of Sureway’s total workforce identified as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander. As an organisation, we look forward to continuing this trajectory as we move into the second half of 2023 and beyond.
Other key activities and initiatives

Arrilla Cultural Awareness Project
Sureway has engaged Arrilla to provide cultural awareness training to our staff, providing management and staff with the knowledge, skills and confidence to employ, retain, partner, procure from and work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Arrilla delivers a range of services that help individuals, teams and entire organisations to become competent to work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, or to better understand the nation’s journey to reconciliation and their part to play.

First Nations Programs Officer
Sureway has appointed a First Nations Programs Officer to engage with Custodian Groups and other significant First Nations groups of influence to build stakeholder relationships and, where appropriate, engage in strategic partnerships. The First Nations Programs Officer will also coordinate and lead the implementation, monitoring and reporting of Sureway’s RAP and Indigenous Participation Plan commitments.

Corporate wardrobe
Sureway has extended our corporate wardrobe to include a RAP shirt featuring artwork ‘Journey along the Waterways’ created by Luke Penrith for Sureway.
“Gaining knowledge is like a river (Bila) always moving forward. The orange (U) symbols are the staff of Sureway supporting each client to gain educational knowledge, build their self-esteem and build capacity and capability in their chosen fields of work. The colourful circles represent a ripple effect of that journey.”
Our staff wear this with pride.

Reconciliation Hub resources for staff
Sureway has developed a Reconciliation Hub on our intranet with resources and information for our staff on cultural education, reconciliation initiatives and access to further ways to participate in their community. By giving these resources a place on our intranet, we acknowledge their importance on our day-to-day operations and are actively engaged in sharing learnings across our business,

Acknowledgement of Country at sites
Sureway have given our reconciliation artwork pride of place in our branding and storefronts. ‘Journey along the waterways’ by Luke Penrith is proudly displayed at the entrance to all Sureway offices with an Acknowledgement of Country. With this initiative, we aim to build respectful relationships within the community and acknowledge the connection to land of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples on which we live and work.

Community sponsorship and participation
Sureway are proud to sponsor the Orange United Warriors, who have Rugby League and League Tag teams for the 2023 Woodbridge Cup competition. The Orange United Warriors are coming into their fourth year, underpinned by the community principle of building social capital. The inclusive sporting/community club welcomes people from a wide range of cultural backgrounds and personal circumstances offering access to junior and senior sporting opportunities across the sports of Netball, Basketball, Touch Football, Soccer, Hockey and Dance in local, regional and state competitions.
For more information on Sureway’s Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan, visit Reconciliation Action Plan – Sureway.