A client and customer is the sureway office

Mervyn gets back into the swing

Mervyn gets back into the swing Mervyn has been with Sureway Wellington Workforce Australia since 2015. A troubled past held Mervyn back from fully engaging with employment services for some time, but the team persevered as they could see his potential to change his life. Mervyn started to put in the hard yards – attending…

5-star rated Sureway services

5-star rated Sureway services 27 Sureway Employment & Training services across NSW, SA and VIC have achieved the highest rating in Australian Government’s March 2020 Star Ratings. The Star Rating system, published quarterly, measures the success of DES providers across the country in assisting and maintaining PARTICIPANTS into work. The scale also provides transparency for…

5-star rating for Sureway services in NSW, VIC and SA

27 Sureway Employment & Training services across NSW, SA and VIC have achieved the highest rating in Australian Government’s December 2019 Star Ratings. The Star Rating system, published quarterly, measures the success of DES providers across the country in assisting and maintaining PARTICIPANTS into work. The scale also provides transparency for PARTICIPANTS and employers alike…